Back in the Black

I am literally jumping for joy to be crossing off another item on my 30 Before 30 list, #3: Eliminate my private debt.

I’ll start this post by saying how unbelievably lucky I’ve been. I grew up in a home where life was more than comfortable. I didn’t need to worry about money. And after I was “grown up”, I was still blessed with generous parents to help me when I needed it.

Five years ago I found myself buying a house, a car, and planning a wedding all in the span of a few short months. My parents were able to give me some additional cash to make the transition not only less frightening, but secure even. We didn’t talk about a payment plan or timeline. They were willing to give and I gratefully accepted.

After they had shown me such generosity with no questions asked, I knew I needed to pay them back as quickly as was reasonable. While offering money is easy, asking for it back isn’t.

And so, as of this morning, my balance has officially dropped to $0.00. It’s a weight lifted off my shoulders and I’m sure off my parents’ shoulders too. They’ve supported me (monetarily and otherwise) my whole life and I’m very thankful.

Morgan Freeman as God

“People want me to do everything for them. What they don’t realize is that they have the power. You want to see a miracle, son? Be the miracle.”

Fall. Out. Boy.

Fall Out Boy in the snow, throwing vinyl records onto a bonfire

Not much but video posting lately, but this one is ultra exciting. After four years, Fall Out Boy has announced they’re gettin’ the band back together. On top of that, they’re releasing a new album and hitting the road for the “Save Rock and Roll” tour this summer.

And to hold us over until May, here’s there new single and video:


If you saw Wreck-it Ralph, I hope you also got there early enough to see the Disney animated short Paperman. Actually, hold up. If you haven’t seen Wreck-it Ralph, find a way to see it immediately. I don’t care if the closest theater playing it is 150 miles away. I promise it will be worth it.

But if you’d still like to wait until it’s released for purchase, you can breathe easy knowing you can watch Paperman on the interwebz for free. It has incredibly beautiful animation and an equally charming story. Disney has been putting out top-notch work the last few years and I can’t get enough.

Well Done, IE

I’ve made fun of Internet Explorer as much as the next web designer, but I have to say “Bravo!” to the folks at IE for this nostalgia-filled awesomeness.