30 Before 30

My birthday snuck up on me this year. Yesterday I turned 27 and boy, do I feel old. With my next milestone being the big 3-0, I figured it’d be good to start up another list of things I’d love to do before then. While I didn’t come close to completing my 26 before 26 list, it was a fun process and finally motivated me to cross off items on my ever-growing backlog. I have three years to complete this one and I’m ready to get started.
- Learn how to properly use my camera
- Learn conversational French
- Eliminate my private debt -- Done!
- Paint the bathroom cabinets -- Done!
- Paint a picture for myself
- Learn how to change a tire
- Take a city tour of Phoenix
- Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter -- Done!
- Watch an actor’s entire filmography -- Done!
- Host a yard sale -- Done!
- Memorize the U.S. Presidents in order
- Read the Bible
- Take Clay to Paris
- Take a road trip -- Done!
- Eat at a Top Chef’s restaurant -- Done!
- Give only handmade gifts for Christmas
- Start a real retirement plan -- Done!
- Sell a piece of artwork
- Learn to juggle
- Learn to solve a Rubik’s cube -- Done!
- Host a get-together at the house
- Re-read the U.S. Constitution -- Done!
- Face a major fear
- Bake a cake from scratch
- Organize my email inbox -- Done!
- Run every day for a month -- Done!
- Print something by hand
- Meet a hero in person
- Read an author’s entire catalog