Show Low Fishing

We spent this last weekend with family up in Show Low. It was full of good food, napping, hiking, and of course fishing. Henry had a blast touching the fish! We’ll definitely be spending more time up north now that Phoenix is heating up.

Vanessa helps Henry with his fishing pole Clay gets the hook out of a fish’s mouth dad float tubing in the lake Henry kisses a fish Henry having a snack Clay smiling with a fish he caught Henry putting a fish on ice

Pack Love

As someone obsessed with dogs, especially my own, I’m loving Pack, a network for dogs and the people who love them. It’s invite-only for now, but go look through the many cute pups (including my Boomer and Helo) already on there.

Boomer, 800lbs of pressure in these paws Helo, small but fierce

Seth Godin

“People won’t follow you if they don’t believe you can get to where you say you’re going.”

Arrested Development

As you may have heard, Arrested Development returns May 26th on Netflix. I’m quite excited and even more so after seeing these new promotional posters. It’s going to be amazing! See all of them on Buzzfeed.

torn Bluth Company business cardbanana with the nametag Mr. Managera pair of jean shorts