“Chronicle” is Surprisingly Awesome

WARNING: This post contains spoilers.

When I saw the Chronicle trailer, I was pretty intrigued. In two short minutes, I gathered that three kids find some mysterious thing out in the woods, develop telekinetic powers, and one of them begins to use these powers for destruction. And truth be told, that’s exactly how the film progresses. However, weaved throughout the already revealed plot are witty dialogue, sweet flying scenes, and honest commentary on the human condition.

The film plays off everyone’s wish for super powers. How cool would it be to move things with your mind? The three main characters Andrew, Matt, and Steve find a strange hole in the middle of the woods. After crawling inside, they encounter something that can only be described as other-worldly. After some bloody noses and a blackout, they discover they have developed telekinetic powers. The first display of these powers is throwing a baseball around in the backyard. I was concerned at this point, because the graphics were pretty terrible. But don’t fret, the special effects get much better. Over several weeks, the boys grow their powers: moving cars and even themselves, effectively learning how to fly. They become best friends, sharing in their new abilities. Andrew, an abused and bullied loner, finally begins to blossom.

They soon discover, though, that superhero comics aren’t too far off. That with great power, comes great responsibility. Andrew, whose life is a prerequisite for deranged killings, begins to abuse his power. He shows no remorse for forcing a man’s truck off the road and finds artful pleasure in decimating a passing spider. The fun-loving Matt and Steve are no match for Andrew’s anger, unable to bring him back from the edge he stepped over. He identifies himself as an “apex killer”, justifying his merciless destruction of everyone around him. Matt is finally able to stop Andrew with some quick thinking and a conveniently placed warrior statue. This scene is so badass, it’s funny; we all found ourselves laughing.

The showcase of the boys’ telekinetic powers is worth seeing the film on its own. The simple pranks every teenage boy would love to pull are a jumping off point of innocence and fun. Watching Andrew slowly morph into a killing machine is both scary and mesmerizing. The most pivotal scene is his analysis of how he ripped three of his classmate’s teeth out. It’s so guiltless and sadistic, you can only assume what will happen next.